Who We Are

As women of the Florida Federation of Republican Women, we are proud to live in the free State of Florida. We support strong conservative values.
We Empower women from all backgrounds in the political process and provide a forum for women to serve as leaders in the political, government, and civic arenas.
Our mission is to help conservative Republicans get elected that uphold our values of less government. We believe in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Our founding Fathers gave us these important documents for a reason, and we should use them. Our history has not always been pretty and should never be forgotten. If we forget our history, then we are doomed to repeat it.
We believe the second amendment is a right and should never be taken away. Parents should always have a voice in what our children are taught and not the government. We must always remember the government works for us and we do not work for them.
We work hard to elect republicans at all levels local, state, and national. It is our mission to increase the number of women in all areas of government. We work with candidates during campaigns by phone banking, walking door to door and hosting forums so the voting public can be more informed about candidates running for office. We do not support one republican over another before a primary election.
We need your help and if you are not a member, please consider joining us. We are the largest Republican Women organization in Florida. We have over 50 Clubs around our great state and are continuing to grow. When you become a member of the Florida Federation of Republican Women you are part of the larger organization of the National Federation of Republican Women.
If you believe in what we stand for consider joining us. Go to our contact page and submit your name and we will have a representative reach out to you and put you in contact with a local club in your area.
On behalf of all the members of the Florida Federation of Republican Women, I would like to thank you for visiting our website.
“If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.” Ronald Reagan
Barbara Price, President
Florida Federation of Republican Women
Barbara Price
Melissa Beaudoin
Assistant Secretary
Deborah Stone
Member at Large
Yvette Benarroch
First Vice President
Lynn Stafford
Vickie Herrington
District Executive
Vennia Francois
Second Vice President
Kim Short
Assistant Treasurer
Diane Van Parys
Immd Past President
Michele Merrell
Third Vice President
Marsha Thoemke
Member at Large
Valerie Pfundstein
Terry Castro
Member at Large
We believe in the power of women to embrace who they are, define their future, and change the world with their unique perspectives and contributions.